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*The Priestess of Avalon!*

Spiritual Initiations into the
mystical Path of the Goddess - Pilgrimage with Mary Magdalene & Merlin along the sacred land of Avalon - Garden Eden Codes

May 18 - 25, 2024 over Pentecost, Glastonbury UK

Spiritual retreat to activate the divine feminine spirit of the Goddess within! The Goddess of Avalon and her Angels of Light will open a powerful portal of deep initiation into the Goddess path of abundance. The feminine spirit of Christ is the key to unlocking this portal. The divine presence and guidance of the "Lady of Avalon, Merlin, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Mother Mary and Sarah Tamar" will open the gateway to your higher heart and your inner Eden. The Goddess of Avalon is known as the Goddess of abundance, wisdom, true love and beauty.
Her presence and guidance on the sacred land of Avalon in
co-creation with the holy family will activate the Light of your Priestess-Goddess within and be awakened into a powerful presence on Earth. She will become more visible and witnessed by the Priestess/Sisterhood of Light.

The Priestess of Avalon is opening a new spectrum of Light to create from the consciousness of unity, divine truth, love and true abundance. Worshipping the Garden of Eden within and without through the presence of the one loving heart of the Divine Goddess. The Priestess of Avalon has the ability to hold the divine Light within her heart and womb. The inner Rose Garden of her womb will blossom and shine its Light of sacred beauty. It is a true empowerment for the Priestess of the New Earth. The golden Temples of Avalon are a gateway to the unseen and the mystery of the Goddess of Creation.

The Sanctuary of the Cosmic Blue Rose & Star Oracle for the Golden Earth - Initiation into the Priestess of the "Order of the Blue Rose" by Mary Magdalene, Sarah Tamar & Mother Mary.
South of France / August 3-10. Rising through the powerful Lions Gate 8:8 ✨

I am delighted to welcome you on a sacred journey to the beautiful south of France during the powerful Lions Gate Portal 8.8.2024.The stars are guiding us to unite again in August on the sacred land of Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail. We are called to invoke the sacred blue flame of ascension within our souls and wombs. The twin flame consciousness of our divine self, the inner union through the Holy Grail of the Rose, the feminine Christ.


The Sanctuary of the Cosmic Blue Rose is held by the ascended Masters Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Lady Sarah in a powerful triangle of cosmic union.

They are representing the sacred soul and womb consciousness of the Mother Goddess Sophia.

The codes of the Blue Rose are perfectly aligned with the creation codes of the Goddess herself. This Order of Light holds the consciousness of the blue flame, the twin flame of the sacred union. The sanctuary of the Blue Rose is a sacred and secret priestesshood between worlds and supports the ascension and descension process of human souls, guiding them towards their higher purpose.


They are using the technology of the cosmic rose consciousness of Sophia Christ. Here they are transmitting the cosmic star wisdom of creation through your soul star chakra into your womb chakra. After this initiation, a womb of a woman is no longer just a human womb, it transmutes into the golden Christ womb, the Holy Grail womb of light.

This womb gets incredible powers to give birth and create from the "Divine Sophia Consciousness", that means they will be connected to the birth library of the Goddess. All will be possible from now on. But in order to do so, they will have to go through several initiations with the blue twin flame and the spiral light of the rose to internalize the feminine powers and transmute into the light. Light conceptions are gifted by the Goddess as a possibility to grow into a higher divine ability to connect, feel, sense and create. It transforms you into a higher frequency of divine union. Golden fertility codes are flowing through your womb of light!

The Golden Queen 
"The Divine Feminine Leadership"
Initiation into the Goddess Energy of Magic.
Women's Empowerment Spiritual Training /
Ibiza October 26 - November 2.

I am so delighted to share this powerful spiritual program of "Divine Feminine Leadership" with you. It is truly time to invoke your Queen Codes and activate your golden throne of light.


The Golden Queen of divine light is within every woman and wants to be reborn. We are in a special time of empowerment for women on many levels.

Women are called to become the new leaders for the new golden earth. It is truly amazing what is happening around the globe these days. Women are standing up for their rights and speaking their truth. The Queen is awakening these days, and she has the power to lead from the higher heart, in coherence with the stars and the earth.

Women are mothers by nature, and therefore they care for all beings. They are mainly interested in nourishment and growth, they have superpowers as they give birth. They are coming directly from the Goddess and so their nature is sacred and royal. The divine feminine is the key to bring through the divine light on earth.

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